Acuneedling is acupuncture by a Registered Midwife specifically for pregnancy, labour, birth and the early postpartum. The ancient and gentle practice of Acupuncture has been around for thousands of years and can provide support, both emotionally and physically during this time of change and growth. As an Acuneedling Midwife Danielle is uniquely qualified to support you through your pregnancy, birth and postpartum journey to help with pregnancy symptoms, preparation for birth and early mothering. Based in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acuneedling has been specially adapted to the scope of practice of a Midwife’s specialty- caring for women in the perinatal period.
In pregnancy Acuneedling is a safe treatment that may help with a range of pregnancy symptoms including: nausea/vomiting and heartburn, constipation, haemorrhoids/ varicose veins and vulval varicosities, back/hip/symphysis pubic pain and musculoskeletal conditions, emotional concerns and insomnia. Whether you actively have a complaint, or you want to relax and ‘just be’ for a while- a treatment in the caring hands of a Midwife is a great place to start.
Birth Preparation treatments aim to align your body and mind for your birthing day! With a focus on ripening the cervix, preparing the ligaments and soft tissues of the pelvis to encourage optimal positioning of your baby and optimising your hormones to connect your mind and body in preparation of welcoming your babe in arms. All sessions are individualised to your care needs but could include a mix of acuneedling, antenatal education, moxibustion, body work, mindfulness and cupping.
Acuneedling in the postpartum can be used to aid recovery in the delicate 4th trimester with “mother warming” treatments to enable healing, treat breastfeeding issues such as blocked ducts or early onset mastitis as well as c-section scar binding to help bring the fascia back together.

Acuneedling Midwife
Danielle is a Mum, Wife, Midwife and fierce supporter of women. With an overwhelming passion for wholistic care during pregnancy and early mothering, Danielle graduated from UTS in Sydney with a Bachelor of Midwifery. Almost 10 years’ experience as a Registered Midwife across all areas of Maternity Services in both public and private hospitals; she holds post grad qualifications in Acuneedling, Perinatal Mental Health and Childbirth Education. Danielle’s aim is to fill the gaps and empower women with the confidence to make informed choices about their body, baby and parenting. Danielle blends the ancient arts of Midwifery and Acupuncture to help women move through the perinatal period with joy and confidence which lays the foundation for a smoother transition to parenthood and future health.

All treatment sessions are 45mins and are individualised to the needs of each woman. Sessions can include a combination of: acuneedling, breathwork, moxibustion, cupping, body work, antenatal education (during pregnancy) and birth debrief (postpartum).
For any common complaints of pregnancy experienced at any gestation, including:
Nausea/vomiting, hyperemesis
Haemorrhoids, varicose veins & vulval varicosities
Back/hip/symphysis pubic pain & musculoskeletal conditions
Emotional concerns & antenatal depression
Pregnancy induced hypertension & gestational diabetes
Restless leg syndrome & calf cramps
Headaches & Migraines
Comprehensive postnatal ‘mother warming’ treatment to aid healing from pregnancy and birth. From 2 weeks post vaginal birth and 4 weeks post C-section birth. This session can also include ongoing postnatal complications such as recurrent mastitis, blocked ducts and low/under supply issues. Please note C-Section scar binding treatments will be included, only when the scar is fully healed.
Available to those who I have seen in pregnancy for birth preparation sessions from day 0 to day 10 postnatal for afterbirth pains, milk let down and insufficient lactation, retained products and early intervention mastitis.
PLEASE NOTE: Please contact reception to book. Bookings not available online.