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Physiotherapy Treatment for Mastitis & Blocked Ducts

Writer: Lauren ThomsonLauren Thomson

Inflammatory Conditions During Breastfeeding: How Physiotherapy Can Help

Breastfeeding provides many health benefits, but it can sometimes come with its challenges. Many women experience issues like hyperlactation, blocked ducts, and mastitis, which can be painful and discouraging. These conditions can affect up to 20% of Australian women and unfortunately may lead to early cessation of breastfeeding. But there's hope! Physiotherapy offers gentle and effective treatment options to help you overcome these hurdles and continue your breastfeeding journey.

Understanding the Spectrum of Breastfeeding Inflammatory Conditions

Hyperlactation, blocked ducts, and mastitis are often interconnected. Hyperlactation, or an oversupply of milk, can lead to breasts that are hard, swollen, and painful. A blocked duct can feel like a firm lump in the breast. If a blocked duct isn't addressed, it can trigger an inflammatory response in the body, leading to the flu-like symptoms associated with mastitis. In some cases, this inflammation can progress to a bacterial infection requiring antibiotics. Early intervention is crucial to prevent these issues from escalating.

Physiotherapy: A Gentle and Effective Approach

Physiotherapy offers a range of treatments for breastfeeding-related inflammatory conditions, focusing on pain relief, reducing inflammation, and clearing blockages. One particularly effective technique is therapeutic ultrasound.

Therapeutic Ultrasound: How Does it Work?

Therapeutic ultrasound is a non-invasive treatment using sound waves to stimulate the tissues beneath the skin. Unlike the diagnostic ultrasound used during pregnancy, therapeutic ultrasound doesn't create images. Instead, it produces a vibration effect, creating a micro-massage that increases blood flow (vasodilation) and reduces inflammation in the breast tissue. This helps to clear blocked ducts and alleviate pain.

What to Expect During a Physiotherapy Session

In your session, your physiotherapist will examine the breast surface and work with you to identify any underlying causes of blockages. They'll provide personalised advice on at-home strategies to reduce inflammation and will administer therapeutic ultrasound to the affected breast. Additional techniques like ice application, taping, or stretching exercises may also be incorporated as needed. Following the ultrasound treatment, your physiotherapist may perform a gentle drainage massage, carefully guiding milk flow towards the underarm. To maximize the benefits of the session, you'll be encouraged to breastfeed your baby shortly afterward.

How Many Sessions Will I Need?

In many cases, women experience significant improvement in pain and blockage size within just one to three sessions. Research suggests that consecutive treatments can also help prevent the recurrence of blockages in the same duct.

When to seek further medical advice?

You should expect symptom improvement within 24-48 hours of physiotherapy. If symptoms worsen or don't improve, we recommend you have a review with your GP, as antibiotics may be needed for potential bacterial infection. If you are having repeated episodes of blockages or having other difficulties with breastfeeding, a review with a lactation consultant is recommended to address any contributing factors.

If you would like to book an appointment with us for blockage/mastitis relief, please give us a call on (02) 4384 3395 or book an appointment online



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