Pregnancy related pelvic girdle pain (PRPGP)
PRPGP describes pain in the pubic symphysis (the bony prominence in the front of your pelvis) and/ or the sacroiliac joints in pregnant women.
The most common time for period for PGP to occur is between 14-30 weeks gestation and occurs in approximately 60% of the pregnant population.
The most common complaints of women with PRPGP are:
- pain in the posterior pelvis around the area of the sacroiliac joint and into the buttock
- reduced capacity to stand, walk or sit for a prolonged period
- pain and difficulty standing on one leg e.g. putting pants on
- pain and difficulty in rolling over in bed
Unfortunately, PRPGP is not often spontaneous to resolve and gradually increases in intensity and disability throughout pregnancy.
Physiotherapy treatment aims to maintain function and reduce pain levels throughout your pregnancy.
Treatment options include compression bracing to support both the sacro-iliac joint and/or the pubic symphysis, stability training, muscle release and relaxation techniques, taping to support or unload muscles and joints, movement re-training to ensure you re moving your changing body in the optimal way.
It is hugely beneficial to be educated on both the anatomy and biomechanics of your pregnant body and some simple do/ don’ts to avoid aggravation of your symptoms.
- be assessed by a women’s health physiozest
- avoid “heavy” lifting, pushing, pulling, and twisting (like pushing and twisting a shopping trolley or vacuum)
- learn how to log roll in/ out of bed (roll with knees together
- sit down to get dressed
- sleep with a pillow between your legs
- stand up from sitting with even weight under each foot
- stand with even weight under each foot
- stop moving altogether, instead modify aggravating activities like fast walking or stairs.
- sit on low chairs (always try to have your hips higher then your knee in sitting, this can be achieved with a wedge cushion if required)
- push through pain
- lie, sit or stand in one position for too long
As a mum of two and having suffered PRPGP in both my pregnancies I understand that we cant always avoid the ‘don'ts’. We just need to be smarter in the way we move and the activities we undertake.
It is highly recommended to be assessed by a women’s health physio to provide you with individualised treatment options and advice on how to stay active.